- Subtitle: Single Coil DHW cylinders for use with Heat Pumps applications
- Scheda Tecnica:
- images/schede-tecniche/ss-hp.pdf
- Scheda Tecnica-2:
- Capacità:
- SS-HP 170, images/schede-dimensionali/SS-HP 170.pdf
- SS-HP 200, images/schede-dimensionali/SS-HP 200.pdf
- SS-HP 300, images/schede-dimensionali/SS-HP 300.pdf
- SS-HP 400, images/schede-dimensionali/SS-HP 400.pdf
- SS-HP 500, images/schede-dimensionali/SS-HP 500.pdf
- SS-HP 600, images/schede-dimensionali/SS-HP 600.pdf
- SS-HP 800, images/schede-dimensionali/SS-HP 800.pdf
- SS-HP 1000, images/schede-dimensionali/SS-HP 1000.pdf
Single Coil DHW cylinders for use with Heat Pumps applications
Made from Stainless Steel Capacity 170,200,300,400,500,600,800,1000 litres (additional sizes are available)
Benefits from use of SS–HP cylinders:
The SS-HP cylinders can deliver sufficient hot water to meet the average request in households;
The triple coil design ensure there is sufficient volume of hot water storage available;
The water in the cylinder is heated by the lower coiled pipe heat exchanger which has the heated water from the solar panel passing through it. Considerable savings are possible during the summer...