Water Heaters


Single Coil DHW cylinders for use with Gas boilers

Made from Stainless Steel
Capacity 170,200,300,400,500,600,800,1000 litres (additional sizes are available)

Benefits from use of SS–STD cylinders:

  • The SS-STD cylinders can deliver sufficient hot water to meet the average request in households and light commercial applications;
  • The water in the cylinder is heated by a coiled pipe heat exchanger which has the heated water from the boiler passing though it;
  • The stainless steel AISI 316L base material for both the cylinder and the heat exchanger ensures durability;
  • Fast recovery is made possible by the extended heat exchanger surface;
  • No need of magnesium anode ensure savings on maintenance;
  • If using the SS-STD cylinders for refurbishment projects as opposed to new build projects, these cylinders heat exchanger can be linked to a solar heat source.

Combi Tanks

Buffer tanks

CohMe (Italy) s.r.l. - Via Volta, 42 - 35010 Villafranca Padovana (PD) - Italy Tel +39 049 907 5996 - Fax +39 049 907 9023
C.F./Reg. Impr. PD 04149060289 - P.IVA/VAT PD 04149060289 - C.S. €60.000,00 i.v.

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